
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Star Trek Spoof Made Inside San Onofre Nuke Plant | Decommission San Onofre

SAN DIEGO - Team 10 obtained an internal video showing senior management at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) dressed as Star Trek characters inside the plant's training simulator.

Southern California Edison (SCE), owners of the plant, confirm the video was made in 2010. The production occurred at roughly the same time plans were in motion to replace steam generators at SONGS. Those generators have been shut down since January 2012 following a radiation leak.
The video, called "SONGS Trek", features former chief nuclear officer Ross Ridenoure. He plays Captain Kirk.  Ridenoure no longer works at SONGS... 

more > 10News - 'SONGS Trek' - a Star Trek spoof video made inside San Onofre - - Team 10 Investigates
  1. Thought you'd want to see - Star Trek spoof shot in San Onofre nuclear plant: Watch at 11p

--- Decommission San OnofreTeam 10 obtained an internal video showing senior management at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) dress as Star Trek characters inside the plant's training simulator. Southern California Edison (SCE), owners of the plant, confirm the video was made in 2010. The video is titled, 'SONGS Trek'. It features former chief nuclear officer Ross Ridenoure, who plays Captain Kirk. Ridenoure no longer works for SCE. "So many safety hazards lieutenants, are you prepared to get us out of our current situation?" Ridenour asks in the video. People who live in California have been asking that same question about the leaky old San Onofre nuke for years.   Decommission San Onofre. 

Star Trek Spoof Made Inside San Onofre Nuke Plant | Decommission San Onofre

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