
Thursday, May 16, 2013

#SanOnofre: Results of our 2 week campaign | San Clement Green


I thought you should know that today was a significant day in the saga of San Onofre. Thanks to the tremendous support we got over the past 2 weeks, we were able to submit 3,706 signatures to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. At the same time we managed to dominate (if you call 54% dominating) a Union Tribune poll on the question of a shutdown, regardless of Edison pulling every string they could to stay ahead. I don't think I've ever seen so much action on a poll like this, with over 10,000 votes and 366 comments.

During this brief but intense period our list of subscribers has nearly doubled to 4,709. All of this has been an impressive response from citizens concerned about a reckless restart, and the prospect of running a nuclear experiment with defective equipment in a population of over 8 million people. Let's hope the trend continues to grow as this important restart decision draws near. We'll report back on any results or new developments from this effort.

Most importantly, we just want to say thanks for uniting in such a powerful way in the past few days and weeks. You are an inspiration to the entire movement. Let's keep the momentum building. Thank you!

Recent News on San Onofre

LA Times : 
A flurry of letters that went back and forth between Southern California Edison and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries late last year reveal the serious hurdles that stand in the way of the San Onofre nuclear power plant's long-term future.

Macfarlane told reporters Tuesday after a speech, "You know, the process is very complicated now. Almost every day it gets a little more complicated.... Right now I can tell you a decision on restart won't happen until the end of June, certainly after the middle of June. 
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and an environmental group came to vastly different interpretations Monday of a federal review panel's decision Monday on the troubled San Onofre nuclear plant.
The plant's owner, Southern California Edison, meanwhile, said it is still trying to figure out what the ruling means.
San Onofre has been in the midst of multiple regulatory reviews since a tube in the plant's newly replaced steam generators sprung a leak and released a small amount of radioactive steam in January 2012.

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