
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cape Downwinders - Downwind of Pilgrim, a Fukushima-like reactor with no emergency plan.

What 40-year-old technology do people have in their houses? That would include computers, radios, TVs, toaster ovens from 1973.

via OCCUPY BOSTON - The Cape Downwinders, an anti-nuclear power group from Cape Cod, staged a protest at the entrance to the access road of Plymouth’s Pilgrim Nuclear Station Sunday[May 19th]. Local anti-nuclear groups joined them.

The evacuation question is more acute on Cape Cod where vehicular access occurs over two bridges. Many protestors wore shirts that said, “Evacuation Plan – Swim East.”

“We signed up for an energy generating plant with a 40-year life,” State Sen. Dan Wolf, who represents the Cape and Islands, said. “We’ve gotten a 60-year-old nuclear waste dump.”

He asked what 40-year-old technology people have in their houses. That would include computers, radios, TVs, toaster ovens from 1973.

A woman who survived the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukishima, Japan, Chikata Nishiama, spoke with a translator. She warned about nuclear power plants in the United States of the same design as those that failed in Japan, including Pilgrim.

Event organizer Dianne Turco asked why the people should be the ones to evacuate, instead of the plant. She began a chant – “Move the plant, not the people.”

To the sound of “This Land is My Land,” 10 people from Cape Cod towns passed the access road gate to be arrested for trespass by Plymouth Police.


For more information:

Also here:

sorry i didn't have this up before the event!

Cape Downwinders - Downwind of Pilgrim, a Fukushima-like reactor with no emergency plan.
Cape Downwinders on facebook

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