
Monday, May 6, 2013

6.9 Save Our Bay Flotilla :: Cape Cod and Plymouth MA

"We are focussed on stopping the pollution of Cape Cod Bay from Entergy Corporation’s Pilgrim nuclear power station in Plymouth, MA. We are working on three major issues: pollution of Cape Cod Bay from Entergy’s cooling water system, pollution of the groundwater from leaks and direct discharges of waste, and long term storage of nuclear waste at the site."

Save Our Bay Flotilla

Date: June 9, 2013
Time: Noon
Location: Cape Cod Bay

The Save Our Bay Flotilla is an on-the-water rally to celebrate World Oceans Day and shine light on the environmental impacts caused by Entergy’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station on Cape Cod Bay. Help us raise awareness of the issues and the need for Entergy to clean up its act!

The rally will take place on Cape Cod Bay from noon to 1:00 pm on June 9, outside the security buoys near the Pilgrim facility in Plymouth, MA. Participants can bring their own signs or just join the celebration at the rally site with speakers, giant banners and music.

Don’t have a boat or a sea-worthy kayak? Support the Flotilla with other paddlers (kayaks, canoes, stand-up boards, etc.) off of Steven’s Field, also in Plymouth from noon – 1:00 pm. After the rally, there will be a picnic at Steven’s Field from 2:00-4:00 pm.

The entire event is free and open to the public. We have to charter a 63’ yacht for those that want to participate in the Flotilla but do not have access to a boat, and are now offering a limited number of tickets ($37/person) to board, details below.

Purpose of the event: Flotilla participants will join people from around the globe in celebrating and honoring our oceans, as the 11th annual World Oceans Day falls on the same weekend as the Flotilla event. Another goal of the Flotilla is to increase awareness of the impacts that Pilgrim’s daily operations have had on the health of Cape Cod Bay for the past 40 years. The facility discharges huge volumes of heated and polluted water into bay on a daily basis, pollutes groundwater, kills millions of fish each year and is potentially impacting endangered species. Despite these problems – and many others – Entergy’s license to operate Pilgrim was renewed last year for an additional 20 years.

Save Our Bay Flotilla :: Cape Cod and Plymouth | Cape Cod Bay Watch
Cape Cod Bay Watch on facebook

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