
Sunday, May 5, 2013

5.4-29 Stepping out against uranium mining | WALKATJURRA WALKABOUT – Walking for Country


MAY 4 - 29, 2013

Media Release

Join us for a one month walk from Yeelirrie to Leonora from May 4thth – 28th May.  This walk will be lead by the Walkatjurra Rangers, in partnership with Footprints for Peace, Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA), the Anti Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) and the Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA).

Stepping out against uranium mining
Media Release 2nd May 2013

This Saturday 4th of May people from across Australia and around the World will be meeting with local Aboriginal people, Wangkatja people, to embark on a 3 week walk from Yeelirrie – WA’s largest uranium deposit to Leonora.

The 2013 walk will be the third walk through the Goldfields stepping out against uranium mining. This year has increased support and growing opposition to uranium mining after the Federal announcement to give a conditional, but not final, approval for Toro Energy’s proposed Wiluna uranium mine.

This year the walk will incorporate campaign training from the Australian Manufacturers Workers Union to help support communities who want to oppose uranium mining on their country.

Kado Muir chairperson of the West Australian Nuclear Free Alliance and Yeelirrie Traditional Custodian “Everybody is concerned about the potential for uranium mining. We all want to do our bit – to send the message that we don’t want uranium mining on our country. We’ve fought against uranium for over 40 years. We know uranium is different. Yeelirrie – in my area – is known as the place of death. We’ve always know that uranium must be left in the ground.”

“Between Wiluna and Leonora there is the potential for three uranium mines, that’s all the country we travel across, live on and hunt our kangaroos and goanna and emus on. If these uranium mines go ahead, we’ll lose our country for the next 10,000 years.”

“We’ve already had mining in this area for over 100 years; we’re still waiting to see any significant benefit. It is talked about but there’s no evidence. Every new company comes in with new promises but we never see any change.”

Marcus Atkinson, walk organiser and campaigner for the Anti Nuclear Alliance of WA said “The walk has been so important in connecting people with the local communities and the environment teaching people that the area is important.”

“Since the Federal conditional approval for the proposed Wiluna uranium mine more and more people have joined the walk. This is a new beginning for action and opposition to the proposed Wiluna uranium mine and other proposed uranium mines in the area like Yeelirrie, Lake Maitland and Mulga Rocks.”

“We are determined to keep WA nuclear free” he concluded.

Media Contact:

Kado Muir: Chair WANFA 0477184957 –

Marcus Atkinson: Campaigner ANAWA 0400505765 –

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’

Stepping out against uranium mining | Walkatjurra Walkabout

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