
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5.30 Press Conference Call/Webinar -Indian Point public comment period ends on June 3

The Indian Point Energy Center, owned by Entergy Corporation, is a nuclear power plant in northern Westchester County, which provides roughly 20% of the electrical power used by New York City and its environs. In 2013 and 2015 Entergy’s licenses to operate Indian Point’s two reactors will expire, which is why it needs approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for two more 20 year licenses. The public comment period ends on June 3, 2013.

As such, New York state lobbying expenditures and campaign contributions have been steadily increasing by 33% each election cycle since 2005.

Common Cause/NY’s report, “Generating Influence: Entergy’s Spending and the Battle over the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant” is an in depth analysis of Entergy’s political spending and lobbying efforts on the state and federal levels, as well as their efforts to manipulate the debate by establishing faux community organizations targeted at communities of color.

Press Conference Call/Webinar Releasing Report on Entergy’s Lobbying and Public Relations Effort on Indian Point

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