
Friday, May 31, 2013

31st MAY 2013 LINKS | Newsreel via D'un Renard


Finland and Poland to co-operate in renewable energy investments

Sweden heads towards renewable energy, and away from nuclear

En Haute Normandie, le débat sur l’énergie est fermé à la discussion

De 8,3  de magnitude à l'épicentre, à plus de 6000 km d' Okhotsk la magnitude ressentie à Moscou était encore de 2


Beaverlodge area – an example of uranium mining’s filthy legacy

Radioactive wastes with a half life of 704 million years, for Nevada

USA government push for nuclear energy has ended in failure

Case of Genetically Modified Wheat in Oregon That Is Not Supposed to Exist(But Did)

Risk of "dirty shutdown" at Paducah gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant

Owner Makes All-Out Push for Indian Point

Southern California Edison Absorbed by Nuclear Energy Morass


India’s rural communities angry over uranium and weapons projects

Never ending delay in plans for India’s Jaitapur nuclear power plant

India hopeful of inking civil nuclear deal with Japan: PM


South African renewable energy investment by Google


Japan’s PM Abe pushing for nuclear reactor sales to India – and fast!

281_AntiNuke’s anger at authority is at a critical mass

Monju fast-breeder reactor will not restart in 2013

Frozen wall mooted to stop Fukushima groundwater

Fukushima :la facture provisoire évaluée à 30 milliards d'euros

Fukushima Up Close and Personal - Yumi Kikuchi

Habitat for Humanity Japan gives solar power panels to tsunami-affected families

India hopeful of inking civil nuclear deal with Japan: PM

5.31 BERKELEY Talk about Fukushima Kids w Yumi Kikuchi『きくちゆみさんを囲んで、福島の子供達のことを考えよう』 |No Nukes Action Committee

Rising radioactive spills leave Fukushima fishermen floundering


South Korea seeking uranium enrichment, despite its previous pledges

Taiwan sees public backlash over nuclear power

Bouygues va construire 3 centrales solaires photovoltaïques en Thaïlande


Indigenous international co-operation strengthened – World Indigenous Network conference


Photovoltaïques de taille intermédiaire : 138 projets lauréats (30 MW)

Energies renouvelables : les 10 projets clés de google


URENCO might die, in failing global uranium industry

Astronauts going to Mars face a radiation cancer death sentence

'Health penalties for Mars radiation'

31st MAY 2013 LINKS

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