
Monday, April 22, 2013

Mithivirdi: Massive Protest Against Proposed US-imported Reactors on April 26 |

Angry at the flawed and incorrect EIA report submitted by NPCIL in March and adamant that they will not allow this dangerous technology in their backyards, residents from Mithi Virdee, adjoining villages and from Bhavnagar city will hold a protest meet and a rally. The rally to be held at the Bhavnagar Town Hall will be held on April 26th and will coincide with the 26th Anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. Thousands are still affected by the Chernobyl events and a large portion of the region is still uninhabitable.
Protesting farmers during the public hearing held earlier this year - Photo courtesy Indian Express
Protesting farmers during the public hearing held earlier this year – Photo courtesy Indian Express
Concerned people from the region do not want such a repetition of the events in their region and have called for a cancellation of the project. The project has envisaged the installation of 6000MW electricity generation by installing American made Westinghouse-Toshiba AP 1000 reactors. The technology used in these reactors is suspect and many leading international nuclear experts have called it a “unsafe” and potentially dangerous technology.
The rally comes in the backdrop of various other factors such as the proximity of the site to the worls largest ship breaking complex at Alang. In fact Alang has had a long and chequered history of dangerous accidents involving hazardous chemicals. The coastal regions around the Alang costline extending for about 16kms is already highy pollued with toxic waste. On the other side of Mithi Virdee is another problem – coal mining and a thermal plant which results in hige pollution as well.

more > Mithivirdi: Massive Protest Against Proposed US-imported Reactors on April 26 |

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