
Monday, April 29, 2013

5.1 MAYDAY NO NUKES COVERGENCE | Japan - Fissures in the Planetary Apparatus

Abolish Irradiated Labor Everywhere!

MayDay No Nukes Convergence

Wednesday May 1st 2013 4PM @ Union Square
(Gather at Northwest corner / look for the hazmat bloc)
Contact:  or 917-746-5735

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in 2011 shed light on the working conditions in all nuclear industries around the world. At the crippled power plant in Fukushima, Japan, thousands of workers are still working to contain the damage, while being exposed to high levels of radiation. The current labor conditions and cover-ups give little protection for the health of the hundreds of thousands of workers. We call for a solidarity with irradiated workers everywhere and for abolition of nuclear energy and weaponry that is built upon the sacrifice of human lives.Irradiated labor has expanded into people’s everyday life near the Fukushima plant due to the State negligence and TEPCO’s negligence.  Mothers, fathers are standing up to protect lives of the children, and the young people are raising voice to protect the future.
This May Day, join us and put on a hazmat suit to imagine the invisible radiation.

No Heroes.

No Robots.

No Guineapigs.

No Nukes.

MAYDAY NO NUKES COVERGENCE | Japan - Fissures in the Planetary Apparatus

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