
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!”

...focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific...

Kindergartener, Savanna Urry was busy presenting her drawings, a poster setup, and an exclusively iPad shot and edited video, that all featured the nuclear topic, and focused on a very plain and daunting fact: The fact that deadly, and highly carcinogenic plutonium and cesium isotopes were spewed, and continue to be spewed into the Pacific Ocean to this very day from the world’s first, full blown, (triple) nuclear core MELT-THROUGH (many magnitudes more destructive than a traditional nuclear MELTDOWN because it enters groundwater tables). The project additionally featured and focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific and beyond.

more/video: Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!” | EnviroNews

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