
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kill Nuclear Before IT Kills US!

'Kill Nuclear Power Before It Kills Us' - Top Exec. - YouTube

- via Fukushima Emergency what can we do?:

S. David Freeman, legendary former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) administrator, Kill Nuclear Before IT Kills US!

It is imperative that this link be widely disbursed so many people can come to know the truth through this amazing man, "S. David Freeman, legendary former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) administrator, who has shutdown many a nuke in his career - and is now working in his 85th year to help local residents and Friends of the Earth decommission San Onofre - explains why we have to 'kill nuclear power before it kills us."

Please take the time to watch this and make it a point to get someone else to watch it too. Mr. Freeman is 85 years of age and is warring against Uranium... this speaks a great truth in and of its self. He literally fights to the death, through the end of his allotted time, and uses his very life to RESIST this evil entity called NUCLEAR. An excellent video for viewings for  small  and large groups alike...Uranium kills, and it does so with such stealth that almost the entire population of earth has no idea. Wake them up! Tell them, show them. STOP BURNING URANIUM!

He states, "The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is so RELIGIOUSLY caught up in nuclear power, they actually had a meeting the other day, a PUBLIC meeting, I think it was on June the seventh, in which they were considering eighty year operating licenses for these plants. Now that is a particular form of insanity that I think is incurable, in that, they have a RELIGIOUS belief in this technology. Over an eighty year period we have no idea of what can break down and go wrong in a power plant, but we certainly have a pretty good idea that the chance of an earthquake near there becomes very very real. So basically the public has got to assert its self on this issue. because those radioactive dogs that might sleep for a long time, when they wake up, well, they don't just bark, they bite."

S. David Freeman, legendary former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) administrator, Kill Nuclear Before IT Kills US! | Fukushima Emergency what can we do?

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