
Sunday, April 28, 2013

5.3,10,17,24 TOKYO • Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes


日時:2013年5月3日(金)18:00~20:00 予定

<<STOP Oh-i Nuclear Plant !!! >>

Time : May 3rd (Fri) 2013 18:00 - 20:00
Place : Everywhere around the official residence of the Prime Minister, Nagata-cho & Kasumigaseki area
★ 0503 halt Oi nuclear power plant!
Prime Minister's Office before protests Halt the Oi nuclear power plant!

Abolish all nuclear plants!
Re: 5/3/2013 18:00-20:00 appointments
Location: 10 Downing Street and Nagatacho, Kasumigaseki 1 belt

-Without the Parliament before speech area, only 10 Downing Street and family area.

<STOP oh-i="" nuclear="" plant="" !!!="">>
Time: May 3rd (Fri) 2013 18:00 - 20:00 Place: Everywhere around the official residence of the Prime Minister, Nagata-cho and Kasumigaseki area</STOP>

Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes (facebook)

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