
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4.18 OAKLAND, CA: Nuclear States of America and reading from Devil's Tango with Cecile Pineda

For folks in the Bay Area, catch me next week at the Oakland Public Library. I'll be talking about the Nuclear States of America and reading from Devil's Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step. - Cecile Pineda

Devil's Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step

Published on the one-year anniversary of the disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Devil's Tango is a one-woman whirlwind tour of the nuclear industry, seen through the lens of the industrial and planetary crisis unfolding most visibly right now in Japan. As much personal journal as investigative journalism, the author's journal entries trace her own and the world's evolution of consciousness during the first year following the March 11, 2011 disaster. Pineda keeps track, day-by-day, of worsening developments at Fukushima Daiichi, and records the daily evolution of her perceptions. Often poetic in tone, philosophic in scope, her reflections are peppered with dramatic monologues,day-to-day reportage, philosophical speculations, meditations, deep song (canto hondo) and occasional flights of fancy, a monoplay, and a grand guignol. There is no other book quite like it. John Nichols calls it an "astonishing anatomy of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster," "... a revelation, and a searing denunciation of the worldwide nuclear energy industry."

Cecile Pineda, author of Devil's Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step, has written six published novels. Face, Frieze, The Love Queen of the Amazon (a satire of magic realism); Fishlight, the memoir of an imagined childhood, Bardo99 in which the 20th Century undergoes a bardo state; and Redoubt, a meditation on gender. The uniform edition of Pineda’s work is published by Wings Press, San Antonio. She has recently completed “Like Snow Melting in Water,” a 16-character play addressing themes of aging, population displacement and ecological collapse. Prior to her work as a novelist, Pineda founded and directed her own experimental theater company. 

Cecile Pineda's HomePage
Devil's Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step By Step (blog)

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