
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WEBCAST ARCHIVE NOW ONLINE - The Medical + Ecological Consequences of the #Fukushima Nuclear Accident


Online permanent archive available now: Thanks to all who attended the symposium in person, and the over 4300 more in 650 cities around the world who attended online. We have had many requests and questions for/about the online archive. It is now up at the Live Stream link: . Click on presenter names to go directly to any individual presentation. Click on Documents to access available power points. Please share widely, but remember to give proper attribution to the speakers and their colleagues if that has been requested. We are pleased to make this permanent archive available for free, but we still have work we would like to do. We would like to translate the presentations into japanese and subtitle them so that the country under the most urgent duress from the Fukushima nuclear disaster will have greater and better access. To this end we ask that if you feel this is a service you appreciate, and that is useful to you and others, please consider donating toward our work on making it available to a greater audience. Even $5 from every person who views it would help go a long way towards making further translation possible.
Symposium Update: online archive now available at live stream link

see also

Symposium: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident l March 11-12, 2013 福島原発事故の医学的・生態学的影響 | Nuclear Free Planet

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