
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Entergy Tells New York to Butt Out of Nuke Plant

 ALBANY, N.Y. (CN) - Entergy, which runs two nuclear power plants that supply nearly a quarter of metropolitan New York's electricity, asked a judge to tell the state to butt out of the plants' relicensing process.
     Entergy Nuclear Operations sued the New York Department of State in Albany County Supreme Court.
     Entergy claims its request to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend the operating licenses of the Indian Point 2 and 3 plants is exempt from state review.
     Entergy is embroiled in similar lawsuits for its Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in southern Vermont.
     In both states, Entergy claims only the NRC, a federal agency, not a state, may regulate safety concerns of the nuclear power industry.
     In its new complaint in Albany, Entergy claims New York State "threatens imminent harm to Entergy by subjecting it to a burdensome and time-consuming regulatory process with an uncertain outcome."
     The complaint continues: "An adverse determination by [New York] on Entergy's consistency certification would inflict devastating and irreparable injury on Entergy, its shareholders, and the millions of individuals and businesses that rely on power generated by IP2 and IP3" - the Indian Point plants.
     Entergy Nuclear is a unit of Louisiana-based Entergy Corp., a Fortune 500 company with more than $10 billion in annual revenue...

Entergy Tells New York to Butt Out of Nuke Plant | Courthouse News Service

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