
Sunday, March 31, 2013

anti-nuclear posters from 17 different countries

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Australia Stop Uranium Action Day, 1978Non-nuclear future, 1978-83Stop Jabiluka Mine, 1998Atomic Australia, 2000

Austria Nein zu Zwentendorf, 1978EUsterreich. Spannung steigt, 1994Lasst dass Uran in der Erde, 1997The Lie of the Peacefull Atom, 2004

Belgium Democratie, 1978-82Doel-bewust stoppen, 1979Geen atoomafval in zee, 1983Varkens kunnen vliegen, 1996

Denmark (no text - comic), 1975-80Atom-march, 1978Rock mod Atomkraft, 1983Slut op om, 1990-2000

Finland Maan puoloustus-Leiri, 1982Windscale, Harrisburg, Tshernobyl, 1987Jäähyväista Ydinvoimalle, 2002Tshernobyl Paiva, 2003

France Malville: occupons de site nucleaire, 1976Non a L'uranium, 1980Sortons de l'age du nucleaire, 2001festival du Bure, 2006

Germany Grossdemonstration Bonn, 1979Brokdorf 80, 1980Gorleben ist üeberall, 1996-98Widerstand braucht Phantasie, 2004

Netherlands Dodewaard gaat dicht!, 1980Schoonstroom, 1986Borssele Dicht!, 1986Kernenergie nee bedankt, 2006

South-Africa Gegen das Atomkomplott, 1975Gegen Atomare Zusammenarbeit, 1978Non a la centrale nucleaire, 1980Nuclear energy costs the Earth, 2002

South-Korea Remember Chernobyl, 1996No, 1997Stop nuclear waste transportation, 1997Beyond Nukes, 2001

Spain Cementerio nuclear No, 1988Vandellos Chernobil, 1989Cadena humana a Asco i Vandellos, 1990-2000Manifestacion por el cierre de Almaraz, 2005

Sweden Barsebaeck-Marsch, 1977Stoppa Pleutajokk!, 1980Atomkraft? Nej tack!, 1981Barsebaeck-marsch, 1982

Switzerland Atomschutz Initiative,JA!, 1978Wir werden Kaiseraugst verhindern, 1980Tschernobyl 1700km, Fessenheim 56km, 1986Strom ohne Atom, 2003

Turkey Nukleer karsiti Kongre, 1992Enerjide cozum mu? 1993Akkuyu Chernobil Olmasin, 1996Nukleer santral yaptirmayacagiz, 2000

Ukraine (no text)Chernobyl museum, 1993No EBRD money for k2/r4, 1999Stop Rivne-2, Khmelnitsky-4, 1999

United Kingdom Stop Sizewell B, 1979Stop RTZ, 1981A great energy is about to be released, 1986is digging a hole really the answer? 1990-93

United States of America no more nuclear victims, 1979No nukes, March on Washington, 197915th Anniversary of TMI accident, 1994Coming soon, to roads near you, 2002 | anti-nuclear posters from 17 different countries

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