
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3.22-23 SEATTLE Fukushima NOT in the NorthWest | Shut Down CGS!!!

TalkingStickTV - Whistleblowers, Weapons, and Waste Pools and Tanks - YouTube: Panel titled "Whistleblowers, Weapons, and Waste Pools and Tanks" with Tom Carpenter of the Hanford Challenge, Holly Barker author of "Bravo for the Marshallese", Gerry Pollet with Heart of America Northwest and Tom Buchanan with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, recorded March 23, 2013 at the forum "Fukushima, NOT in the Northwest" at University Temple United Methodist Church in Seattle, WA.

Seattle – March 22 and March 23 | Shut Down CGS!!!

Fri.. details soon?

Sat, March 23, 9am – 4pm
Location: University Temple,
United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd, Seattle, WA 98105

9AM Earthquakes in the Yakima Thrust and Hanford Geology
Tom Buchanan, Mary Hanson (WPSR)

10AM Oregon PSR Panel:
30 Years of the Columbia Generation Station Nuclear Reactor
Chuck Johnson (OPSR)
Leslie March (Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign)
Paul Koberstein (Cascadia Times Portland)

(Lunch and discussion at restaurants near the church)

1PM Washington PSR Panel Whistleblowers,Weapon’s Testing Fallout, & CGS Irradiated Fuel
Tom Carpenter, Hanford Challenge
Holly Barker, UW Anthropology,
Tom Buchanan, WPSR

3-4 PM Videos from the NY Academy of Medicine, Fukushima and its impacts in the world

University Temple,
United Methodist Church,
1415 NE 43rd,
Seattle, WA  98105

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