
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tell President Obama: Don't appoint Dr. Moniz as Energy Secretary

Numerous published reports indicate that President Obama is leaning toward appointing Dr. Ernest Moniz of MIT to be the next Secretary of Energy. An announcement could be made as early as next week.

Dr. Moniz is the wrong choice for this job.

Dr. Moniz wrote in Foreign Affairs after Fukushima that it would be a “mistake” to allow Japan’s nuclear disaster to “cause governments to abandon nuclear power and its benefits.”
The National Journal described Dr. Moniz as a "Proponent of Good, Old-Fashioned Nuclear Energy."
Dr. Moniz has testified in favor of "small, modular reactors" before Congress and was part of the Energy Department's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future that recommended centralized "interim" storage of lethal radioactive waste.
America needs an energy secretary who understands the need to address our climate crisis, to move aggressively to develop renewable energy sources, and to take the necessary steps to build a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future. Dr. Moniz is not that person. President Obama can and should do better.

Tell President Obama: Don't appoint Dr. Moniz as Energy Secretary
Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

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