
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

3.11-18 NY & LA screening '311 Surviving Japan'

The film '311 Surviving Japan' is screening March 11-18 in NYC, LA & selected cities. It's an insider's account of the Japanese Tsunami and Fukushima disaster by an American volunteer worker.

Tickets by advance sale here:
- - check this page for additional locations

311: Surviving Japan - YouTube
Inside story 2011 Japanese Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster cover-up discovered by an American volunteer.

Hotseat Remix: Chris Noland talks about Surviving Japan - YouTube
Episode 89 of Nuclear Hotseat with Libbe HaLevy, interviewing Christopher Noland, producer & director of "Surviving Japan"

1 comment:

  1. Tickets still available at 311SurvivingJapan.Com
    -Christopher Noland
