
Monday, December 3, 2012

10.07 microSv/h, Mochizuri temple, Fukushima city, foot of a Keyaki tree, Nov 2012

in the video he says "1.07," meaning "10.07"
(see at 2:15 - 2:26)

10.07 microSv/h, Mochizuri temple, Fukushima city, foot of a Keyaki tree, Nov 2012 - YouTube

Published on Nov 24, 2012 by 
On 24th of Nov 2012 , I measured radiation at Mochizuri Cannon Temple, Fukushima city Fukushima pref. Japan.
I monitored 1.44 micro Sv/h at my chest in air beneath cedar trees, 10.07 on ground level of foot of a Keyaki, zelkova tree.
The monitorinig place is 55 km from Fukushima Nuclear power plant, and 4 or 5 km from the center of Fukushima city.
The measuring instrument is made of Ukraine, ECOTEST MKS-05.

10.07μSv/h 福島市 文知摺(もちずり)観音 欅の木の根元 2012年11月
The map shown in the video is "Radiation counter map of the FUKUSHIMA Daiich nuclear accident" by frofessor Yukio HAYAKAWA of GUNMA university.

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