
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

VOX POPULI: Lake Biwako as a symbol of the anti-nuclear movement � nuclear-news

VOX POPULI: Lake Biwako as a symbol of the anti-nuclear movement � nuclear-news: Yukiko Kada, 62, is the governor of Shiga—and the guardian of Lake Biwako. She has announced the formation of a party, Nippon Mirai no To (Japan Future Party), with the banner of “moving on from nuclear power.” Kada, also an environmental sociologist, has retained a strong attachment to the lake since her student days at Kyoto University. Her motivation in forming the new party is a sense of crisis: that if a major�accident�occurs at one of the nuclear reactors on Wakasa Bay in neighboring Fukui Prefecture, Lake Biwako would be contaminated with radioactive materials—and so would the water it supplies.

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