
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11.15 G.E.'s Uranium Secret - West-Toronto Meeting

You're invited to a community meeting to learn more on Thur. Nov, 15th, at 1900 Davenport-Perth Community Center. All welcome. Free. Event will be Livestreamed by Occupy TO. 

-Simon Paul Dene will open with a look at uranium mining 
- Amanda Lickers on Health Impacts

- Angela Bischoff, OCAA as moderator
- Roy Brady of SAGE (Safe and Green Energy Peterborough) and Council of Canadians on public consultations holding GE Nuclear to account.
- Kyra Bell-Pasht -Counsel, Canadian Environmental Law Association will address issues with regulation and legal
-Heather Marshall, Toxics Campaigner from TEA - Toronto Environmental Alliance will address your Right-to-Know
Toronto Environmental Alliance
- Dawn Withers and Sheila Muir from the Junction Triangle

Councillor Gord Perks, MP Andrew Cash, and MPP Jonah Schein are committed to attending.

The game plan:
5:45-6:30 pm Meet outside GE for a group meet and greet and location identification (1025 Lansdowne)
6:30 pm Walk from GE to 1900 Davenport (on the walk people can talk and get to know each other - we're in this together)
7 pm Forum at 1900 Davenport
8:45-9:15 pm March back to GE, do "toxic tour"
10:00-11:00pm for the hardcore, meet at the Coffee Time at Lansdowne and Dupont to discuss strategy and further action

VIDEO LINK to a Mini-documentary on this issue:

GE's West-End Secret - NOW piece

Stop G.E.'s West End Uranium Factory Facebook Group

How Residents Delivered a Major Upset to GE-Hitachi Canada's Nuclear Operations

Interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott on GE Lansdowne

Endorsed by:

Junction Parents

Durham Nuclear Awareness DNA

F.A.R.E. Families Against Radiation Exposure Port Hope

Dr. Helen Caldicott (who we can book to come speak at a later date when we are more organized)

Members of the Perth Dupont Community Garden

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW)

Ontario Clean Air Alliance

CCNR Canadian Coalition For Nuclear Responsibility

TEA Toronto Environmental Alliance

O&EHC-P the Peterborough Occupational & Environmental Health Coalition

MiningWatch Canada

Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes

Queers Against Nuclear Power

SAGE Safe and Green Energy TO

Live Free Collective

Niagara ADL Animal Defense League

The Indignants

DNTO - Don't Nuke Toronto!

Radiation Truth

Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes

Mining Injustice Solidarity Network

Don't Waste MichiganDecolonize & Anti-Oppression Workshop
Unceded coast Salish territory/Vancouver

Nukewatch brings critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons and dangerous wastes.

Mothers for Peace

Atomic Photographer's Guild
"The Atomic Photographers Guild endorses your action to MAKE VISIBLE the long-secret uranium processing facility in otherwise civilized Toronto. And I hope to document the March on Thursday November 15!
Bob Del Tredici"


Willowdance Wellness Centre


Climate Fast

- please consider adding your organization to the list of endorsers

"The G.E. processing plant at Lansdowne (Toronto) and Dupont must be closed for the public health benefit of the people who live surrounding those plants, and for the public health benefit of the people of the planet.
They're death dealing plants, they are medically contra-indicated. And for the health of your children, your grandchildren and all future generations those plants must be closed down forthwith."
-Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nov. 1, 2012

"Hey G.W. Bush we found the weapons of mass destruction! And they're here in Toronto's West end!"
- Tom Keefer

"There's a GE Hitachi plant that processes uranium for the Canadian nuclear industry right on Lansdowne and Dupont. You probably never heard about it because practically it's been kept a secret. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission renewed the license for that plant in 2010, knowing that there are trucks lugging radioactive material in and out of the residential area in which the plant is located. Remember that these regulatory Boards and Commission are automatically biased towards the industry they regulate until the public pressures them into actually scrutinizing anything. Even if the plant is perfectly safe, it's just not right that the residents had zero say in the license renewal. But we all know it's not perfectly safe."
- Johnny Dib

G.E.'s Uranium Secret - West-Toronto Meeting

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for posting this, follow us, we'll bring em down on this link of the fuel chain, but only with you!
