
Friday, November 30, 2012

12.1-2 A Mountain of Waste 70 Years High: Ending the Nuclear Age

“Won’t you please come to Chicago – no one else can take your place!  We CAN change the world!…”– Graham Nash
A Conference observing the 70th Anniversary of the 1stsustained chain reaction, and the birth of the Nuclear Age
On December 2, 1942, an experiment at the University of Chicago led by Enrico Fermi produced the world’s first human-made sustained chain reaction, and launched the Nuclear Age.  The Nuclear Age has not been kind to everyone –  beginning with the people of Japan.   The Faustian bargain continues to this day – with the Japanese again becoming nuclear victims after Fukushima, and the world threatened by the continued presence of both nuclear weapons and nuclear power radiation releases and wastes.
Building on the observation of previous conferences first 40, then 30 years ago, this Conference notes that to this day, not a single ounce of radioactive waste has been permanently disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. And it bears witness to those fellow humans to whom the Nuclear Age has been less than kind.
This is a call to come to the very birthplace of the Nuclear Age – memorialized by Henry Moore’s sculpture to Nuclear Energy (photo above), on the very site where Fermi’s experiment occurred – to remember its victims, and seriously question whether that Age has the right to continue among civilized human beings.
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Watch the Chicago conference on radioactive waste LIVE! 

Watch the Chicago conference on radioactive waste LIVE! You can catch the presentations on December 1 and 2 at the Mountain of Waste 70 Years High conference in Chicago on live stream! We hope you can tune in over this important weekend which marks 70 years since the Fermi team created the first self-sustaining chain reaction at the University of Chicago. The conference is being held at the same site.

December Conference: A Mountain of Waste 70 Years High: Ending the Nuclear Age | Nuclear Energy Information Service

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