
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

11.30 #SanOnofre NO RESTART Meeting (NRC new date)


note: this meeting was rescheduled from November 16

San Clemente Green asks for a larger venue. NRC says the size of the meeting space is appropriate for a ‘working meeting’ between NRC staff and Southern California Edison to discuss degradation of new steam generators at Edison’s San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.

Keep Public Spotlight on NRC and SoCal Edison as they Meet on Steam Generator Defects

It is now confirmed that the next NRC meeting will be on November 30th. Info and location below in the NRC's Press Release. We will be mobilizing to attend this meeting. The new meeting site OUTRAGEOUSLY holds only 400 people!! 

Stay tuned for more info. We will hold a press conference outside earlier, most likely at 4p for maximum light and media coverage (for evening broadcasts). 

The NRC Press Release following says there is Free Hotel Parking, but since the room they have reserved is for only 400 people, we can expect this parking to be inadequate. Please carpool to the greatest degree possible and come early to claim parking. We will do some scouting to report other options. Post your Carpool offer/need in Comments on this Event Page. 


"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has rescheduled a meeting with representatives of Southern California Edison Co. (SCE) for Nov. 30 to address the company’s response to the NRC’s Confirmatory Action Letter concerning actions required to be taken to address steam generator tube degradation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The plant, operated by SCE, is located in San Clemente, Calif.

"The meeting will be held between 6 and 9 p.m. (PDT) at the Hills Hotel, 25205 La Paz Road in Laguna Hills, Calif.

"NRC staff will meet with SCE officials to discuss the company’s response to the NRC Confirmatory Action Letter of March 27, 2012, concerning actions required to be taken by the company to address steam generator tube degradation at San Onofre. The company’s response to the Confirmatory Action Letter is available at: .

"A leak in a Unit 3 steam generator tube on Jan. 31 led to the shutdown of that unit. The other reactor, Unit 2, was off-line for maintenance and refueling at the time. Subsequent inspections of the nearly new steam generators in both units found unexpected wear. Both units remain safely shut down and will not be permitted to restart until NRC has reasonable assurance they can be operated safely.

"The meeting will include a technical presentation by SCE on the basis, methodology, and conclusions of their efforts to identify the causes of the unexpected steam generator tube wear, the corrective actions taken to address those causes, and the basis for continued safe operation of Unit 2. The presentation and NRC dialogue is expected to require the majority of the meeting time. The public is invited to observe the meeting and will have an opportunity to communicate with the NRC staff after the business portion of the meeting, before it is adjourned.

"The meeting will be webcast live at: . Given the seating capacity of the meeting facility is limited to approximately 400 persons, participation via webcast is encouraged. The video stream will begin about 5 p.m. PDT, but the audio stream will not start until the meeting begins. 

"A phone bridge is also available by calling 1-888-913-9973 and entering passcode 9941895 when prompted. 

"The webcast and phone bridge will be one-way only. Questions or comments can be submitted to the NRC staff after the meeting at: .

"Parking at the hotel is free."

Our Core Message to the NRC continues to be:

"We oppose Edison's proposed re-start of the defective Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. We demand a full, transparent Adjudicatory Hearing and License Amendment process, including evidentiary hearings with sworn testimony and cross-examination which include experts independent of the NRC, Edison and the nuclear power industry. This public meeting tonight is NOT a proxy nor substitute for this process. Given how we got to this point and the serious loss of faith by the public in the NRC and Edison as a result, we can see no reason why all 5 NRC Commissioners would not want this as well.
"VERY IMPORTANT: NRC proceedings regarding San Onofre should be conducted in the area most impacted by the decisions of these proceedings."

Folks, let's let the NRC hear (read) our voices loud and clear: "The venue for the rescheduled 11/16/12 NRC public meeting should be in a city nearest San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant, such as San Clemente, large enough to accommodate the growing public interest in whether to allow Edison to re-start the Plant (e.g., min. 1,000 capacity) AND with ample and free/low cost parking as well as transit access. Make use of public facilities such as school gymnasiums and civic auditoriums, rather than luxury hotels." Send this message to:


NRC: Public Meeting Schedule: Search Detail: NRC will meet with Southern California Edison (SCE) to discuss SCE s response to the NRC Confirmatory Action Letter of March 27, 2012, concerning actions required to be taken to address steam generator tube degradation at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station...

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