
Sunday, November 18, 2012

11.27 Pack The PSC • #StopPlantVogtle • NO NEW NUKES

Southern Company has charged Georgians $1.6 billion extra on their bills since 2009 in order to recover costs for a set of nuclear reactors they’re building near Augusta. The project, which is already over budget, will continue to cost us money for years to come. In addition, local residents, who suffer high cancer rates, don't want more dirty, dangerous reactors in their back yards. 

This month, Georgia Power will give a progress report on Plant Vogtle to the Public Service Commission, asking them to app

rove past expenditures.

Let's show Georgia Power and the Public Service Commission that Georgians don't want or need more nukes in our backyard! They're bad for our health, bad for our wallets and bad for our environment! If Georgia Power wants to build the plants, then they should pay for them without our dollars.

Join local activists and environmental organizations to make public statements, bear witness and demonstrate. The PSC has a long history of siding with corporations instead of the people they’re elected to serve. Enough is enough!

Open Planning Meeting:
Sunday, November 18th, 4pm
Dough Bakery, 100 Hurt Street Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30307

Final Planning Meeting:
Monday, November 26th, 7pm
GA WAND office 250 Georgia Avenue Southeast
Atlanta, GA 30312

Public Service Commission Meeting:
Tuesday, November 27, 10 am
Georgia Public Service Commission, 244 Washington Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30334

For more information, email, or call 404-524-5999

Pack The PSC (facebook event)

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