
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthplace of Atomic Bomb, New Mexico Remains Center of Massive U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

In this special broadcast from just outside Los Alamos National Laboratory, we look at the radioactive legacy of New Mexico. The atomic bombs used in World War II were designed and developed here, and the state still plays a key role in maintaining the nation’s massive nuclear arsenal. We’re joined by two guests: Jay Coghlan, executive director of Nuclear Watch New Mexico, and Chuck MontaƱo, a former investigator and auditor at Los Alamos who turned whistleblower after calling attention to wasteful spending and fraud at the nation’s foremost nuclear weapons lab. [includes rush transcript]
Birthplace of Atomic Bomb, New Mexico Remains Center of Massive U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

see also
whats up: After Decades of Uranium Mining, Navajo Nation Struggles With Devastating Legacy of Contamination

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