
Friday, October 12, 2012

After Decades of Uranium Mining, Navajo Nation Struggles With Devastating Legacy of Contamination

New Mexico’s long history of uranium mining on Native American lands provides fuel for the front end of the nuclear industry and stores much of the mine tailings and radioactive waste from nuclear weapons and power plants. We look at the devastating impact uranium mining continues to have on Native lands with Leona Morgan of Eastern Navajo DinéAgainst Uranium Mining, a group dedicated to protecting the water, air, land and health of communities in areas impacted by uranium mines. We’re also joined by Jay Coghlan of Nuclear Watch New Mexico and former Los Alamos National Laboratory investigator Chuck Montaño. [includes rush transcript]

After Decades of Uranium Mining, Navajo Nation Struggles With Devastating Legacy of Contamination

see also
whats up: Birthplace of Atomic Bomb, New Mexico Remains Center of Massive U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

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