
Wednesday, October 3, 2012



10.6 UK March and Rally: No Nuclear Waste Dump At Hinkley C

10.8 UK LONDON Midday Solidarity Picket: Dept for Energy + Climate Change 


Stop Nuclear Power Network UK

Campaigning against the UK's addiction to nuclear power

Mass trespass at EDF’s Hinkley Point nuclear power station: October 5-8 2012

Following the success of the mass action at Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset, the Stop New Nuclear alliance is now planning a mass trespass on the site earmarked for the Hinkley C mega power station.
In March, around 1000 people took part in a 24-hour blockade of the entrance to EDF’s nuclear power station in Somerset. This was one of the largest and longest blockades of a nuclear power plant in the history of the anti-nuclear movement.
Now the Stop New Nuclear alliance aims to return to Hinkley and trespass on the area designated for Hinkley C. The aim is to highlight the fact that EDF is already trashing fragile land in preparation for construction – even though the company hasn’t got planning permission and investors are looking less and less interested in putting their money into the project.
For more information, check out the Stop New Nuclear alliance’s website:

10.8 UK Mass trespass at #Hinkley Point

Mass trespass: schedule, travel and legal update
Friday October 5th:
Camp opens from midday. The camp’s location will be provided nearer the time. If you want to register for the camp, please email us at: telling us how many people you are planning to bring and when you’ll be arriving. If you don’t want to use your real email address, please consider using an alias by creating a new address with hotmail, yahoo etc.

Saturday October 6th:
March and Rally with the theme: No Nuclear Waste Dump At Hinkley C.
(If EDF Energy gets the go-ahead for two new EPR reactors at Hinkley C, highly radioactive spent fuel will be stored on site for over 100 years. Most people in the south-west are unaware that their back yard could be turned into a toxic dumping ground.)

11.30am: Assemble King Square, Bridgwater town centre
12.30pm: March through town centre
1.15 - 3.30pm: Rally at Cornhill with speakers, videos and music
4.30 - 5.30pm approx: Die-in at the entrance to Hinkley Point nuclear power station. Please note that parking is very limited in the area around Hinkley. A shuttle service will be provided to take protesters to the entrance. More details will be given nearer the time. Waterproof clothing/cushion/water advised for weather protection/comfort during the die-in.

Sunday October 7th:
Camp planning day: a briefing on the mass trespass will be followed by the formation of affinity groups/spokescouncil so that everyone has a say in how the trespass will be organized. A full legal briefing will also be provided.

Monday October 8th:
Mass trespass at the proposed site of Hinkley C. Please note that this area is not yet licenced as a nuclear installation and therefore is not patrolled by the Civil Nuclear (armed) Constabulary. However the CNC patrols the site of Hinkley A and Hinkley B and these boundaries should not be breached. Boundary maps will be available at the camp.

There will also be a solidarity picket outside the Department for Energy and Climate Change, 3 Whitehall Place, London, SW1A 2AW from midday to 2pm. Please let us know if you plan to attend the picket and we will put you in touch with the co-ordinator.

Travel update:
Travel from London
A 50-seater coach has been hired to take people from London on Saturday 6th to Bridgwater and then on to Hinkley C for the die-in (a service station stop will be provided en route). It will then return to London that evening.

Reclaim Hinkley updates: camp info / transport / weekend schedule | Stop New Nuclear

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