
Monday, September 17, 2012

what next: Kelly Rigg: When Worlds Collide: Nukes vs. Climate

Creative Commons: Stanislav Dogparry via DeviantArt

Kelly Rigg: When Worlds Collide: Nukes vs. Climate

I'm notoriously bad at remembering jokes, but the reaction to last week's announcement that Japan would phase-out nuclear power by 2040 reminded me of this one:
Three guys are stranded on a deserted island. They've been there for years; their clothes are shredded and hanging from their emaciated bodies. One day a bottle washes ashore, and out comes a genie offering three wishes. The first guy says, "I wish I were back at home, feasting and drinking to my heart's content," and poof! He disappears. The second one says, "I wish I were back at home in bed with a beautiful woman," and poof! He disappears too. The third guy looks around and says, "Gee, it's lonely here without those other guys -- I wish they'd come back..."
What does this have to do with Japan's announcement? 

MORE: what next: Kelly Rigg: When Worlds Collide: Nukes vs. Climate

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