
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Occupy the Nukes | OWS Environmental Solidarity

Rally: NO NUKES – NO WAR / Occupy the NRC

*** Occupy the Nukes | OWS Environmental Solidarity
Friday, September 21 at 9:00am in EDT at Union Square

Occupy Wall Street Environmental Solidarity, in cahoots with our friends at Shut Down Indian Point Now!, will be riding to Washington on Friday September 21 to Occupy the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Our message is simple, No Nukes, Renewable Energy for the 99% Now. Our bus will be departing from Union Square at 9am on Friday. Call in sick or tell your personal Mr. Burns you've gone to take a stand against the nuclear industrial complex. Please RSVP to this address: and please provide your phone #.

Friday, September 21 at 9:00am in EDT at Union Square

    • Twitter @owsenvironment

    •  Occupy Wall Street Environmental Solidarity, in cahoots with our friends at Shut Down Indian Point Now!, will be riding to Washington on Friday September 21 to Occupy the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Our message is simple, No Nukes, Renewable Energy for the 99% Now. Our bus will be departing from Union Square at 9am on Friday. Call in sick or tell your personal Mr. Burns you've gone to take a stand against the nuclear industrial complex. Please RSVP to this address: tomsiracuse and please provide your phone #.
      For more info on where we're headed check out:
      Rally NO NUKES NO WAR!! / Occupy T

      on facebook ^^

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