
Thursday, September 6, 2012

9.12 PM #occupy NRC | 9.13 BEYOND NUCLEAR

Beyond Nuclear - Safety - Take action against Palisades atomic reactor: 9/12 NRC mtg. in South Haven; 9/13 Beyond Nuclear/Peace House talk in Kalamazoo!

Take action against Palisades atomic reactor: 9/12 NRC mtg. in South Haven; 9/13 Beyond Nuclear/Peace House talk in Kalamazoo!

Don't Waste Michigan board members Michael Keegan of Monroe, Alice Hirt of Holland, and Kevin Kamps of Kalamazoo call for Palisades' shutdown at the August 2000 Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Action Camp. Palisades' cooling tower steam, and Lake Michigan, are visible in the background. The crosses bear the names of nearby villages, towns, cities, and counties downwind and downstream from Palisades at risk of a meltdown at the dangerously degraded, 45 year old atomic reactor.Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps sent the following call to action to allies in southwest Michigan. He hails from Kalamazoo, and has been watchdogging the Palisades atomic reactor for 20 years.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is critical that we do all we can to shut down the dangerously degraded Palisades atomic reactor, before it melts down. Owned by Entergy Nuclear of New Orleans, one of this country's biggest and most infamous nuclear power utilities, Palisades is located in Covert, Michigan on the Lake Michigan shoreline less than 5 miles south of South Haven, and less than 40 miles west/upwind of Kalamazoo. Please attend one or both events coming up in just a couple weeks. See below for more information on the two events, as well as extensive additional background on Palisades itself. Please spread the word to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. We need to show how concerned we remain, by achieving another big turnout in South Haven on 9/12 (as we've done several times already this year!), and we need to take steps in Kalamazoo on 9/13 to launch an Entergy Palisades shutdown campaign. Hope to see you at one or both events! Thanks!
---Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog at Beyond Nuclear in Takoma Park, Maryland; Board member, Don't Waste Michigan, representing the Kalamazoo chapter; Member, Great Lakes United's Nuclear-Free/Green Energy Task Force
Wed., Sept. 12, 6-8:30 PM Eastern
A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) public meeting to discuss the 2012 safety culture assessment results for Palisades Nuclear Plant and subsequent actions taken by the licensee, Entergy Nuclear of New Orleans.
Beach Haven Event Center
10420 M-140
South Haven, MI
If you are unable to attend in person, you can also phone into the meeting at the following call-in numbers: Phone 1-800-621-9524; Pass code - 5591733.
For more information, contact: Diana Betancourt, NRC, (630), or Swetha Shah, NRC,, (630) 829-9608.
Thurs., Sept. 13, 7:30-9 PM
Kalamazoo Peace House, "Clarification of Thought" speakers series: Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear, on the "catastrophe waiting to happen" at Entergy Nuclear's Palisades atomic reactor, and what you can do to prevent it!
Peace House
313 and 321 Phelps Ave.
Kalamazoo MI 49048
Weather permitting, the event will be held outdoors.  If not, it will be held in one of the houses.
For more info., contact Peace House at (269), or Kevin Kamps at (240)

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