
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tell The House: No more taxpayer money for nukes/coal

The House Energy Committee is scheduled to vote Wednesday on its "No More Solyndras Act," which seeks to put an end to more taxpayer losses from the Energy Department's loan guarantee program.

But, as currently written, the Act would do far less. Indeed, the Act is crafted to ensure that the riskiest and largest DOE loans of all would still be in the mix--$8.3 Billion for Georgia's Vogtle nuclear reactors, $2 Billion for the near-bankrupt U.S. Enrichment Corporation, and would still allow DOE to consider about 20 other nuclear power loans. Here is a background sheet on the issue from our friends at Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Efforts in subcommittee to fix these problems failed. But the full committee can do the job right, and end these loans for unnecessary and hazardous nuclear power and coal projects. Tell your House member below to end all taxpayer funding for new reactors and coal.

Even if your member is not on the Energy Committee, please take this action--the more Representatives get this message, the more it will be talked about, and we do expect this measure to get to the House floor.

Tell The House: No more taxpayer money for nukes/coal

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