
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Occupy Oakland SHUT DOWN, NOT MELT DOWN Anti-nuclear action

On the Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Occupy the Energy Supply!
Our Government disregards radioactive pollution from the corporations that fund their elections, and the people are unprotected from the nuclear threat.
From Fukishima to California
Shut Down, Not Melt Down!
2 PM Assemble at Japanese Consulate,
50 Fremont Street, San Francisco
Followed by March to PG&E
3 PM Protest at PG&E, 245 Market Street/Beale
Join with the OccupySF Environmental Justice Working Group, No Nukes Action and Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice to say that nuclear power plants are a major disaster waiting to happen. The people need to take back control of our energy supply and dismantle the nuclear power plants.
In California, the Diablo Canyon and San Onofre nuclear power plants contaminate water, soil, air, sea life, the workers and threaten nearby residents. With California’s inevitable earthquakes, these plants which are built on faults by the ocean could spread radiation so far that evacuation would be required within at least a 60 mile radius and could be uninhabitable for thousands of years. The government is not prepared for nuclear disasters, and is not prepared to move people as we saw with the Katrina disaster.
For the people of Fukishima, betrayed by their government and TEPCO (the Japanese nuclear company), it may be too late. For us in California, it is time to take action!
For more info:
Ruthie/OccupySF 415-515-1259 * No Nukes Action 415-867-0628 * Greenaction 415-284-5600 x 102

SHUT DOWN, NOT MELT DOWN Anti-nuclear action | | Occupy Oakland

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