
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Perfect Storm coming on radioactive waste. Tell Congress now to follow basic safety principles

August 21, 2012

Radioactive waste policy in the U.S. is reaching a Perfect Storm--a rare confluence of events that inevitably will bring about the first major changes in our nuclear waste policy in 25 years.

These changes are likely to affect all of us--and perhaps the entire future of nuclear power and prospects for a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future.

These changes are most likely to come about by Congressional legislation. But probably not in this polarized election year, more likely over the next 18 months.

What these changes will be is not yet established. This is both a potential threat and a genuine opportunity to finally make real progress on radioactive waste. Our combined presence, outreach and mobilization, our willingness and ability to make our voices heard, will make all the difference.
The most immediate danger facing us would be establishment of a "centralized interim storage" site--a parking lot for radioactive waste casks. Such a site would initiate the transportation of high-level nuclear waste across our country for only one purpose: to provide the illusion of a solution to the waste problem and thus encourage the generation of more radioactive waste. Stop a Mobile Chernobyl; No Fukushima Freeways!

We're starting now, with a quick letter to our Congressmembers outlining a couple of very basic principles about radioactive waste. These may seem elementary, but trust us, 98% of your Congressmembers have never heard them before, and certainly not from the kind of numbers your actions can produce. Take this first step here, now. It's important.
You can read more about the principles supported by the nation's anti-nuclear/environmental movement here.
Note: The letter below will go to both of your Senators and your Representative. You may edit this letter as you choose. You must have a U.S. address to take this action.
Please share widely.
Perfect Storm coming on radioactive waste. Tell Congress now to follow basic safety principles

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