
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

News from San Clemente Green

go to News from San Clemente Green for best results :)
Tonight you can join us in making a bit of history with the City of Laguna Beach. The City Council will be voting on the first RESOLUTION of it's kind regarding San Onofre. It begins at 6:00pm tonight. Here is a map. Good attendance will help assure a good result!


           Doho Poster

We hope to see you at the Doheny Surf Festival this weekend. I'm not quite sure where we'll be located, but we have 1000 Frisbees just for this event, so look for a yellow disc flying your way and you'll probably find us at the other end of it.

We have nearly reached the goal of getting 30,000 signatures to keep San Onofre Closed! Sign on here.

  More NEWS 
US Senator Blasts the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in pubic. 
After sending this out last time we only got 82 "opens" on this incredibly important coverage. CNN made the point for all to see that San Onofre sits on a fault line capable of generating an earthquake 5 to 10 times greater than the plant was designed for. We've been trying to make the public aware of this for years now. 
Please check it out and share with EVERYONE! 

CNN puts San Onofre in the Mainstream News
Finally on CNN!
< note: link on image goes to
 a CBS report which is good too
3 Minute video of CNN coverage - Click Here

News from San Clemente Green

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