
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tell Berkeley to Vote YES on Anti-nuke Resolution: 6/19

Tell Berkeley to Vote YES on Anti-nuke Resolution: 6/19 � NFC: The Berkeley City Council will vote on a resolution calling on Governor Brown to Close California nukes! Let the Council know the world is watching Write, Call, and Attend the Rally and Council Meeting Tuesday June 19, 2012 6:00 PM

Welcome to Nuclear Free California! 

Statement Endorsed by Organizations Attending the 3/3/2012 Nuclear Free California Summit-On The One Year Anniversary Of Fukushima

March 11, 2012 marks the one year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster and the subsequent nuclear meltdowns. We remember the lost lives and continued suffering of the people of Fukushima and Japan. They continue to be contaminated by radioactive material and this radioactive material has also spread throughout the world.
For the people of California, we also remember this event with the knowledge that California's two aging nuclear plants at San Onofre and Diablo Canyon are a real threat to the people of the state. They are both built on earthquake faults and are a danger to the people of California and the earth.
We do not trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC to protect us.
On this day of remembrance we will work for the closure of California's two nuclear plants and the permanent elimination of nuclear power and weapons in California and throughout the globe. We also join in and support actions and meetings taking place in California and internationally on this one year anniversary.

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