
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Massive anti-nuclear protest outside Noda's office June 29

Protesters rally June 29 outside the prime minister’s office in Tokyo’s Nagatacho district over the the government's decision to restart two reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture. (Satoru Semba)

Even Noda startled by size of anti-nuclear protest outside his office - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Thousands rallied outside the prime minister’s office in Tokyo’s Nagatacho district to protest the government's decision to restart two reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture.
The No. 3 and No. 4 reactors, operated by Kansai Electric Power Co., had been shut down for regular maintenance inspections. The No. 3 reactor is due to go back online on July 1.
Similar protest rallies were held across the country, including Osaka, which is served by Kansai Electric.
Many people joined the rally in Tokyo on June 29 in response to calls on Twitter. Holding banners and placards, the crowd filled the sidewalk on the way to the prime minister’s office.
Organizers said the crowd numbered 150,000 to 180,000, but Tokyo police estimated it at 17,000 strong.
“Make an honorable withdrawal from nuclear power generation,” one protester shouted...
...“The government never cares about our lives,” she said. “I have been a silent observer so far, but I cannot stand aside any longer.”
In Osaka, an estimated 2,200 protesters gathered in front of Kansai Electric’s head office in Kita Ward, according to organizers.
Citizens’ rallies against the reactor restarts were also held in Nagoya, Nagasaki, Kumamoto and elsewhere... more

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