
Friday, June 1, 2012

Koodankulam Debate: Nuke Corp's secrecy in India | Petition

Four days after the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) refused to make the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant safety report public despite continuing protests in Tamil Nadu, National Advisory Council (NAC) member Aruna Roy writes to Sonia Gandhi, the Chairperson of the council urging that safety of the plant not be compromised, "The protestors and movement have raised several unanswered questions about the safety and viability, which far from being addressed are being silenced. Roy demanding that the instructions of the Central Information Commission (CIC) be implemented immediately, I would particularly highlight the second demand, that the instructions of the CIC to the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the NPCIL be implemented immediately. TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami debates the issue with Medha Patkar, Social Activist; G Balachandran, Consulting Fellow, IDSA and A N Tiwari, Former Chief Information Commissioner.

Debate: Nuke Corp's secrecy-The - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

May 31, 2012 | Made in solidarity with the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) and all other concerned citizens in India as well as people around the world who demand that the Tamil Nadu and Central Government of India immediately halt the commissioning of Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP). KKNPP is in violation of IAEA Safety Guidelines. It is in violation of mandatory requirements of fresh water reservoirs. Mandatory safety reports are being withheld from the public and the media. For more information and to add your voice to this critical dialogue for cleaner safer energy (and not the dangerous dirty unsafe option of nuclear), please visit

May 14, 2012 | Deep concerns regarding human rights and environmental violations around the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant in south India necessitate immediate collective action.

More than 300 people have on hunger strike in protest against the construction since May 1st. Several have been admitted to hospital, and other threatened with arrests. The government has reacted to the protests by deploying thousands of police and paramilitary forces in order to commission the reactor in a military style operation. This will have serious consequences for the life and ecology of the whole of peninsular India, as well as the international reputation of India as the world's largest democracy.

see also

Koodankulam Site Evaluation Report – An Analysis by PMANE —

Stop Koodankulam Project: It Involves Abuse of Democracy, Ecology and Human Rights —

This signature campaign was coordinated by John Seed, the renowned environmentalist and deep ecologist from Australia. John Seed has been working for the conservation of rainforests, and is Founder and Director of the Rainforest Information Centre in Australia. John Seed and his associates have been involved in many direct actions that have resulted in the protection of rainforests in Australia. They have also supported similar campaigns across the world.

Friends who have expressed solidarity with the anti-nuclear struggle at Koodankulam, and who have signed and sent letters expressing concern to the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, include those who have been working in the field of environmental conservation in various capacities in different parts of the world.

Koodankulam: 168 international organizations from 21 countries urge the Indian govt to stop the reactor —

A Protest Declaration against the oppression of the people protesting against the nuclear power plant in Kudankulam, India.

We, the undersigned, demand that the Indian Government, Tamil Nadu State Government, and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited(NPCIL) immediately stop the violent and inhuman oppression of the people protesting the Nuclear Power Plant in Kudankulam.

The Indian Government and the Tamil Nadu State Government are carrying out in a number of different ways oppression such as illegal arrests, attacks and other strategies using armed police and other forces, against people who are carrying out non-violent peaceful protest action. This reality has been reported around the world and many people are expressing their concern.

Those who have seen the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident and everything that involved, it is only natural to feel insecure, to demand explanations and the discontinuation of this project.

We cannot sit idly by and watch a situation where expressing protest against nuclear power in order to protect important lives has brought on such violent oppression. The situation in Kudankulam is showing us clearly that Nuclear Power and democracy definitely cannot co-exist.

In Japan so many people are suffering even at this time from the effects of the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. We now know that Nuclear Power is a desecration of life and that once an accident happens, even the next generation will have to suffer from it.

Don’t oppress non-violent people who are standing up to protect life and our environment.

Indian Government, Listen to the voices of the people!

Stop immediately all the work at the Kudankulan Nuclear Power Plant.

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