
Monday, June 18, 2012

Fairewinds Newsletter: June 18th 2012

June 18, 2012

Television | June 13, 2012
Going Nuclear: What is the Future of Nuclear Energy in the U.S?
Al Jazeera segment "Inside Story Americas," host Shihab Rattansi, along with guests: Arnie Gundersen, veteran nuclear industry expert and chief engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education; Mindy Kay Bricker, the editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; and Jack Spencer, a senior research fellow in nuclear energy policy at the Heritage Foundation discuss the issues of nuclear power production, the regulation of the industry, and the storage of radioactive materials. Also, the debate continues about nuclear power as a safe source for energy within the United States and ultimately the world.
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AudioJune 10, 2012

Fairewinds' Gundersen on Capitol Forum: Fukushima Daiichi and the Nuclear Picture in the US and Internationally

Capitol Forum's Tom Ritter interviews Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds. The two discuss the current status of each unit at Fukushima Daiichi, the clean up costs on-site and nationwide, and the alternative energy options available for Japan. Gundersen and Ritter talk about the current status of the US nuclear industry considering the turmoil at the NRC, the prospects of a Fukushima-like disaster happening at US nuclear power plants, and the recent reports of radioactive tuna on the West Coast. Also, discussed is the international picture of the future for nuclear energy production and alternative energy sources worldwide.
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AudioJune 9, 2012

Coast to Coast Hosts Arnie Gundersen: Updates on Fukushima Daiichi

Coast to Coast's John Wells hosts Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds. First up, Arnie discusses the recent news that bluefin tuna caught off the coast of California were found to have radioactive contamination from last year's Fukushima accident...
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AudioJune 8, 2012

WBAI's Robert Knight Hosts Arnie Gundersen: Latest Fukushima Issues and the U.S. Domestic Nuclear Environment

Robert Knight of "Five O'Clock Shadow" talks with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds. The two discuss the latest issues concerning Fukushima Daiichi and also the domestic nuclear environment of the U.S...
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AudioMay 18, 2012

Gundersen and Helen Caldicott Discuss the Fukushima Daiichi Meltdowns and Their Worldwide Implications

If You Love This Planet's Dr. Helen Caldicott speaks with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds for another update on the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nulcear power plant which suffered multiple nuclear meltdowns in 2011 and the worldwide implications of the disaster. Also, they talk about California’s two nuclear power plants, both right on the coastline and on or very close to major earthquake faults...
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