
Friday, June 15, 2012

Anti-nuclear Summer Camp in Germany | Climate Sceptics?

"Isn't the "Nuclear Renaissance" Dead Yet?"

Anti-nuclear Summer Camp in Germany | Anti-nuclear

a Facebook page to gather people who are fighting nuclear power!

You are invited to five days of workshops and presentations, skill-sharing and networking, excursions and public events in Döbeln, Middle Saxony. It will be a chance to meet activists and interested people from several regions across Europe to share experiences and ideas with each other and network for mutual projects and actions.

Everyone is welcome to offer workshops or presentations on topics they are working with. Please feel invited to talk about your current struggles, upcoming campaigns and actions. The gathering also aims to share our skills together in the fields of action, campaigning, investigating etc. It would be wonderful if you have issues you want to bring up.

We plan to visit an abandoned uranium mine at the Czech border not too far from the camp. There we will meet critics and learn about the threats connected to uranium mining.

> Contact
Nuclear Heritage Network
Am Bärental 6, D-04720 Döbeln, GERMANY
phone: +49 3431 5894177

Climate sceptics? | Nuclear power in Europe

Today climate change is the most heard argument for the so-called nuclear "renaissance". However, if one looks closer, there is something fishy about the industry using climate change protection as its most prominent feature... 

More then thirty years of debate, and the controversy remains as polarised as ever. This website (to be fair - whose maintainer is anti-nuclear) collects news about nuclear power in Europe, sorted by nuclear power plant, type of power plant, country etc.
By presenting different (media) angles on current nuclear issues, we hope to be able to cut out some spin, either pro or against, and to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about today's pro's and con's of nuclear power.

In the menu on the right you can select your country, the nuclear power plant in your neighbourhood, or your favourite company and read latest (most English) news about it...

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