
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shut San Onofre | SEMPRA Denies Activists Access to Deliver Letter | M23 Rally

A disaster waiting to happen - YouTube
A new ad sounding the alarm about Edison's risky scheme to restart the San Onofre nuclear reactors before the root of the problem has been fixed. The ad urges concerned Californians to contact U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. | Shut San Onofre (facebook) -

SEMPRA denies activists access to property to deliver letter outlining their concerns about the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant – (Or Marcia, Carol, Hugh and Ray’s magnificent adventure)

by Carol Jahnkow
May 19, 2012–Representatives of the Peace Resource Center of San Diego, Citizens Oversight Project, the Green Party of San Diego and the newly formed Shut San Onofre Working Group were told Friday morning by SEMPRA security officers that they would not be allowed on SEMPRA’s property at 101 Ash Street to deliver a letter directed to SEMPRA Executive Chairman, Donald Felsinger...

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 4pm to 6pm
Location: Sempra Energy Offices, 101 Ash Street San Diego, CA 92101
(And at offices in Irvine, San Francisco, Oakland, and Fresno.) Parking: Free parking available at Horton Plaza parking garage (validate at machines in the mall). Trolley Stop: Civic Center station, two blocks away. Details: See ... ?

more > SEMPRA Denies Activists Access to Deliver Letter Outlining San Onofre Concerns |

A summary of the Fairewinds report, San Onofre's steam generators failures could have been prevented, commissioned by Friends of the Earth and released May 2012.


The San Onofre nuclear power plant, located between Los Angeles and San Diego, has been kept shut for the past three and half months by Southern California Edison, after radioactivity leaked into the atmosphere.

During that time there has been no official statement by Edison company to describe the totality of its investigation of the causes of the leak. On the contrary, Edison has been warning the public of blackouts if the plant is not operating and has revealed that it was considering a restart in June 2012, a statement shot down by the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Friends of the Earth, by retaining Fairewinds, has supplied the public with two technical reports shedding light on the causes and extent of the problem. This is the third report in that series.

It reveals, in unmistakeable detail, why and how an attempt to cut regulatory corners resulted in a clear and present danger to the people of southern California not to mention an eight hundred million dollar mistake.

more > San Onofre's steam generator failures could have been prevented | Friends of The Earth Blog

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