
Monday, May 14, 2012

Plume-Gate: Fukushima fallout cover up -

Plume-gate: Secret documents prove global cover-up of continued Fukushima radiation pollution
May 12, 2012 -

Plume-Gate: Secret Documents Prove Global Cover-Up of Continued Fukushima Radiation Pollution
May 13, 2012

Plume-Gate Tales from the Script: Inside the NRC FOIA Documents Part 2
March 21, 2012

Plumegate Tales from the Script: Inside the NRC FOIA Documents… Part 1
March 17, 2012

BLOCKBUSTER! FOIA Documents Reveal NRC Cover-Up, Deception Over Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
February 27, 2012

New! Fukushima Daiichi On-site Radiation Monitoring Post Data – March 11th through March 31st 2011 - 

Fukushima Anniversary – Top 125 FOIA documents and transcripts during the first week of the Fukushima disaster | Enformable
March 11, 2012

On the first anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, we have compiled a list of our top FOIA documents during the first week of the event.  It is important for regular people who also have been watching the Fukushima disaster to not just have an accurate record of the sequence of events, but also to understand clearly what was known as the events occurred. What is perfectly clear in the various documents from March 11th through March 18th – the time period when reactors 1, 2 and 3 were actively melting and exploding and the unit 4 spent fuel pool fires led to a fourth reactor building blow-out – is that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, along with several other departments and agencies of the U.S. government and the UN’s IAEA, were watching the situation very closely.
Our government was intimately involved in withholding accurate data from the public as well as minimizing what was being publicly reported.  The NRC, as you will read, was doing fairly well at first analyzing early data on actual conditions at the Fukushima plants. At the same time there was a lot of high level pressure to manage PR so the commission would not be the “official” government body to keep the public informed.
On the morning  of March  13,  2011,  Naval  Reactors  notified  the  NRC that dose rates were being measured from  the flight deck  of the  USS  Reagan  that was -130  nautical  miles  off the Japanese  coast.  Dose rates from  the  overhead  “plume” were approximately  0.6  mrem/hour gamma with  no  measurable  activity  on the ship surfaces.  The Navy  sent the  contamination  samples to a  base in Japan  to  perform  an  isotopic  analysis  to determine the  actual  radionuclides.  The principle radionuclides  identified  were iodine,  cesium, and technetium,  consistent with  a release from  a  nuclear reactor.  The SPEEDI system, which was supposed to warn Japanese authorities of the possible dispersion pathways for radioactive particles released from the Fukushima disaster was run, but the results were hidden from the public for weeks and in some cases months.
The NRC received these SPEEDI calculations and maps from Japan, generally within a matter of minutes or hours of the predictive calculations being completed.  We have been working to archive and sort these transmissions for the public, and the full archive list can be found here.  No one is asking the real important questions, like why didn’t anyone confront NISA and TEPCO about  potential problems in their approach to tsunami risk assessments? When did officials in the United States become aware that Prime Minister Kan and other senior officials were unaware of the Japanese emergency system designed to track the spread of radioactive particles from the crippled plant, and did they consider the calculations as inaccurate as the Japanese Government did?  To the public, the overwhelming lesson of Fukushima was that nuclear reactors are hazardous and support for expanding or maintaining nuclear power decreased nearly everywhere.
To start the journey through the top 125 documents, Joy Thompson points us to the March 11th e-mail sent to update NRC employees on what to do if contacted by the media.  Read the rest of Joy’s series published on Enformable documenting a portion of the earlier-released FOIA’s for a more in-depth and narrated journey through the closed-door conversations related to Fukushima.

Fukushima FOIA Docs  8: A Real Outrage (

This is the “NOT A DRILL” notice pictured above the squiggle. It sets the tone for information control with instructions specific to dealing with the international press. In the first paragraph it identifies where employees may direct the press in order to access the ‘official’ press releases from NRC, and urges any NRC employees who ARE contacted by the media to inform the NRC Office of Public Affairs immediately.
Then employees are handed “two important reminders” that they MUST NOT respond directly to requests for information from anyone outside the United States, but to steer the requesters to the NRC Operations Center [OpCenter], and mentions that all assistance employees may wish to provide to a foreign entity [Japan, obviously] MUST be coordinated through OpCenter and the State Department.
Finally, the OpCenter notice informs employees that if they obtain any information about Fukushima or any other nuclear emergency, they should provide that information to the Operations Officer at OpCenter.

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