
Friday, May 25, 2012



May 24, 2012:


Steven Chu

The one essential action you can take to help stop new nuclear power in the U.S.

Act here now: tell DOE Secretary Chu and President Obama to stop a taxpayer loan for new reactors in Georgia.

The largest, most important anti-nuclear protest you don't know about.May 11: Amnesty International issues urgent Alert

330+ Kudankulam hunger strikers face imminent arrest. May 8: Urgent message from protesters: police clampdown may be imminent.  Hunger strike underway. Support Indian protesters; Stop Kudankulam: Take Action here.

Fukushima Daiichi 1

May 2, 2012. 72 Japanese organizations urgently ask U.N. to step in and help stabilize Fukushima Unit 4.Sign on in support here (organizations only).

Hot News and Actions

ONGOING! $8.3 Billion taxpayer loan for Vogtle reactors is in trouble and CAN be stopped! Act here.

May 16, 2012: Your comments matter.Support NIRS Petition for Rulemaking: Tell the NRC to expand Emergency Planning Zones.

Reports, Papers and Info You Can Use

May 9, 2012. Nuclear Loans, Subsidies & other Taxpayer Swindles…. Powerpoint presentation by NIRS' Michael Mariotte to Sierra Club National Nuclear Strategy Meeting, May 5, 2012.

March 28, 2012. New study from UK's Energy Fair: The Financial Risks of Investing in Nuclear Power.PDF

March 6, 2012. New UCS report on nuclear power safety in US one year after Fukushima. Says industry's voluntary FLEX program is inadequate for nuclear power safety.

March 5, 2012. New mapping tool from NRDC shows potential consequences from nuclear accident at every U.S. reactor site based on actual weather patterns from March 11, 2011.

March 2, 2012. Are you at risk? New Greenpeace Internationall interactive map showing nuclear reactors/population around the world.

February 28, 2012. Living on Borrowed Time. 2nd annual Union of Concerned Scientists report on nuclear safety in the U.S.

February 6, 2011. Updated Greenpeace International report on Areva's EPR design: A Dangerous Waste of Time and Money.

January 24, 2012. Too Close to Home: Nuclear Power and the Threat to Drinking Water. New report from PIRG and Environment America.

MORE > Nuclear Information and Resource Service - NIRS

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