
Friday, February 17, 2012



"This situation is far beyond anyones control at this point. All we can control, is how we react. The time for some type of emtombment has long passed, as the fuel is now estimated to be 30-40 feet below the plant from researchers at Kyoto University. Everything TEPCO has tried to do to decrease the temp in reactor 2 in the past few days, including injecting boron to stop fission and dumping tons of water on the reactors is having no effect. Recent news coming out of the Fukushima plant and surrounding areas such as Xe detection and cesium levels, indicate the situation may be deteriorating quickly. Be prepared for possible out-of-control fission and subsequent large release of high radiation which will be carried directly from Japan to the west coast of the US and Canada."

RadChick Radiation Research & Mitigation (facebook): Radiation research, forecasts, news, reports, mitigation

Tepco Handout: Xenon detected in Reactor No. 2 containment vessel — 9 hour half-life

Title: Primary Containment Vessel of Unit 2 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Sampling Result by the Gas Control System
Date: February 14, 2012
By: Tokyo Electric Power Company

Sampling time: February 13, 2012, 16:24-16:54 (charcoal filter)

Xe-133 @ 0.016 Bq/cm3 (5 day half-life) or 16,000 Bq/m3
Xe-135 @ 0.023 Bq/cm3 (9 hour half-life) or 23,000 Bq/m3

Minamisoma blogger “The heating gauge is not broken at reactor2″ | Fukushima Diary: News said the heating gauge showed over 300℃.

Fukushima Reactor Temperature Surpasses 752 Degrees ... More Than 4 Times Maximum for "Cold Shutdown": Pretending that the Fukushima reactors achieved a state of “cold shutdown” was a political – rather than scientific - decision.

See also

whats up: No New Nukes! | FUKUSHIMA NOT "SHUT DOWN"
Redefining “Cold shutdown” doesn’t hide the truth about Fukushima

whats up: "Mission Accomplished" delusion | Radioactive Dumping

whats up: Fukushima "China Syndrome?"

whats up: China Syndrome | No cold shutdown possible at Fukushima

whats up: Nuclear Power: Risks and Consequences


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