
Thursday, May 15, 2014

8.6 Hiroshima Day Action in Livermore, CA

Save the Date - August 6th Hiroshima Action in Livermore

We hope you can join us for this year's Hiroshima Day rally, march and action planned for the morning of Wednesday, August 6th. We are still deep in the planning stage of the event, so check back soon for more details...
Click here to download the Save the Date flier...

Tri-Valley CAREs

31 MAY; PETALUMA, CA: Citizen Science: Monitoring Fukushima Radiation

Two leading world experts in radiation monitoring will be speaking at 7:00pm on Saturday, May 31, in Carole Ellis Auditorium located on the Petaluma campus of Santa Rosa Junior College, 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway.

This important public information event is sponsored by the SRJC Physics Program and Chemistry Department. Admission is free and Q&A will follow.

The on-going radiation releases from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant constitute a serious threat to our ocean, natural environment and society.

Dr. Buesseler’s presentation, "The View from the Ocean" will provide an overview of studies of Fukushima radionuclides in the ocean, its uptake by fish and potential impacts on fisheries in Japan and the U.S. West Coast.

In the second presentation, “Community Monitoring Systems,” Dan Sythe will discuss his extensive work in developing and manufacturing radiation monitoring devices and his efforts to equip, educate and protect communities faced with the threat of radioactive fallout.

John Bertucci of Fukushima Response, a Sonoma County community group working since 2012 to inform the public about the Fukushima nuclear disaster, will moderate.

Citizen Science: Monitoring Fukushima Radiation (facebook event page)

Fukushima Response

FUKUSHIMA is HERE Global Campaign: TIME to Deal with the problems at Daiichi, and all the problems in the way, blocking a Global Response to Daiichi...

Fukushima Response is a local group of concerned individuals working together to break the media black out on the Daiichi disaster and mobilize public pressure towards a global response equal to the danger of the crisis.

Kindness to all beings,
Fukushima Response Team

Fukushima Response Campaign on facebook

Sunday, May 4, 2014

100th action 5.2 every Friday`s Saikado Hantai and anti nukes rally in front of the Prime Minister's Office and the Diet building. from Tokyo.

via Masaichi Shiozaki to #OccupyNuclear on facebook

today , Just the 100th action
5.2 every Friday`s Saikado Hantai and anti nukes rally in front of the Prime Minister's Office and the Diet building. from Tokyo.

Metropolitan Coalition Agains Nukes | 首都圏反原発連合
twitter: @MCANjp